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Found 12279 results for any of the keywords disability australia. Time 0.008 seconds.
Physical Disability AustraliaPhysical Disability Australia (PDA) is a national peak Disability Peoples Organisation (DPO) run by people with physical disability for people with physical disability.
Blog Physical Disability AustraliaOn Sunday 2nd February we hosted the 3rd Physical Disability Awareness Day and were incredibly fortunate to have four amazing speakers attend our online DisabiliTEA event.
Disability Royal Commission Physical Disability AustraliaOver 4.5 years the Disability Royal Commission had 32 public hearings, 1785 private sessions, 7944 submissions, 28 research reports and 837 witnesses.
Donate Physical Disability AustraliaYou can support Physical Disability Australia Ltd (PDA) in representing the interests and views of people with physical disability across Australia by making a donation
Governance Physical Disability AustraliaPhysical Disability Australia s Constitution 2021
Latest News Physical Disability AustraliaPDA Newsletter August 2024PDA Position Statement demanding halt to NDIS Amendment Bill August 18 2024
Membership Physical Disability AustraliaPDA is a group of people that truly understands, supports and represents Australians living with physical disability.
PDA Professional Physical Disability AustraliaPDA Professional is a new initiative, launched to improve the commercial employment opportunities of Australians living with disability. If you operate a business or seek freelance work, providing you have an ABN, we c
Submissions Physical Disability AustraliaPDA takes every opportunity that resources allow to provide formal submissions and consultations to the Government and NDIS.
How to get involved Physical Disability AustraliaFollowing last year’s first ever Physical Disability Awareness Day, the interest, excitement and community that has grown from our inaugural online DisabiliTEA has been phenomenal with individuals and organisations bot
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